Research scientist, clem mcdonald center for biomedical informatics, regenstrief institute director, global health informatics program, regenstrief institute associate professor of pediatrics, indiana university school of medicine clinical informatics director, precision health initiative, indiana university dr. Openmrs leadership growth and spreading the word openmrs. Development and validation of machinelearning approaches to identify patients in need of advanced care for. Paul biondich, md, ms, facmi regenstrief institute. We sought to enable better interoperability and easy adoption of healthcare applications by developing a standardized domain independent application programming interface api for an electronic medical record emr system. The first ideas and prototype of openmrs were conceived by paul biondich and burke mamlin from the. I wanted to draw your attention to a couple specific activities, and ask for your input and feedback. Paul g biondichs research works regenstrief institute.
As we enter into openmrs fourteenth year, i am regularly. Mamlin, paul biondich, ryan yates, michael downey, elliot williams. Openmrs grew out of the critical need to scale up the treatment of hiv in africa in part by utilizing coordinated, scalable, and flexible information systems. For download instructions and details, have a look at the release.
Posted on september 23, 20 by paul biondich in openmrs blog 23 september 20 friends, many of you are already aware that over this past weekend in kenya, gunmen attacked a shopping center in nairobi, taking hostages, killing many people, and wounding many more. Openmrs is a collaborative opensource project to develop software to support the delivery of. Creating governance models for health data sharing. Posted on january 19, 2018 by paul biondich in openmrs blog, organization. Paul g biondich s 55 research works with 1,480 citations and 10,492 reads, including. Posted on june 10, 2015 by paul biondich in openmrs blog, organization dear openmrs community, if you hadnt already noticed, our community is in a period of unparalleled growth and evolution. Paul g biondichs 55 research works with 1,480 citations and 10,492 reads, including.
The seeds of openmrs originated with paul biondich and burke mamlin from the regenstrief institute in indiana. Openmrs is an opensource, robust electronic health record ehr platform that is supported by a large global network and used in over forty countries. The executive director is responsible for the successful leadership and management of openmrs, inc. We leveraged the modular architecture of the open medical record system openmrs to build a fast healthcare interoperability resources fhir based addon module that. In this letter originally posted on openmrs talk, our project leader paul biondich describes new developments in openmrs community. Cooking up an open source emr for developing countries. William tierney, joaquin blaya, paul biondich, aamir khan, mitchell. Biondich and mamlin were working as consultants in early 2004, tasked with.
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